Saturday, October 15, 2005

Today, I think I am looking for new meaning.. for something of greater meaning.. of deeper purpose.. where the choices get tougher and the mind finds its challenges to be no less than earth-shaking. The daily struggles become more intense.. even the mediocre no longer is such. My choices affect my household, not just my life.. attitudes mine alone are by choice, and under my control.. let me not give over control of my attitudes to others, not to another human, not to any "group", not to any influence which I do not wish to be influenced by. To keep my mind on those things which please God, is done so by keeping the mind working on those things outlined in Philippians 4:8. By following these "instructions", how could I ever let depression or anger take hold in my mind and life, let alone take over..

The challenges to elevate the level of thinking at which I have been working, are ever present. The challenge to lift up my thoughts and mentality.. my intellectual and spiritual and emotional abilities.. is ever present. I know that by prayer, meditation, and concentration & reading good books, beginning with the bible.. these are the tools which begin the upward mobility, the fight to improve, to move onward and upward to a more productive thinking life and therefore greater satisfaction.

The efforts to improve the thought life are rewards in themselves. And even better, we become people who can endure greater trials, persecution, trouble and turmoil. In times of duress, in times when life becomes wreckage because of natural disasters, fire or sickness, the mind which has been well-cultivated in spiritual avenues is the mind of a man or woman who will stand up to the test, and say, "He has enabled me to endure."

Challenges to the daily living come in a diverse multitude- not the least of which are people with attitudes which are less than desirable to be around. People with attitudes of angry disposition and an inclination to confrontational behaviour, which are extreme and hard to deal with but there may be no escape from.. how does one handle this part of life? This part of life is sometimes unavoidable!

Stand alone? Maybe so. Alone but never alone.. that is, if God and Jesus are at work in your psyche by invitation.. after all, whatever is in the make-up of your mind, is there by invitation only.


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