Friday, October 14, 2005

The more creative you are or become, the more you discover greater and greater competition from others who are thinking along the same lines as yourself. In getting to this place, for this writing, I found that a web-name creation was conflicting with another by some other.. and "you cannot use that, it's taken".. amazed me. One may think he (or she) is quite creatively original.. then you notice that the world is so crowded, that several people may be tapping into the same fields of energy- and their minds vying for words of originality. Just at the time you may think it, speak it or write it, more than one other person in this world may very well be finding those same words and thoughts flitting through their own minds!

Who has ownership of any particular line of thinking? Ah! Thinking cannot be owned.. cannot be copyrighted.. or else people would have to be put to death or "re-programmed" for thinking someone else's thoughts!

But, as we get past thinking and thought-forms, and begin to jump into the world of writing then it is a whole new ball game! We can copyright! Ideas leading to inventions can be trademarked.. the "invention", that is! Not the ideas. Putting ideas on paper though- text is created, and may become a written peice which can be copyrighted.

Intellectual property.. yes, now there is a hot topic! Been reading any of the material out there, concerning laws and ownership of intellectual property? There is a lot more than you would think.. more than you can shake a mental stick at! Arguments run hot, run wild, everyone has an opinion, an idea.. violent passions run amok.

Searching for meaning in your life? Intend to write about it? Do it! But do it knowing that a lot of other creative people are searching for meaning in their lives and they are writing about their search or searching.. and the outcomes. No one has "dibs" on creative thinking.. imagination runs rampant among the masses of people like you and I.. lots of great thinking going on out there and in here. How much is truly unique is witness to a thousand minds out of a million- and who creates something in verse, fiction or not, which has not quite been said that way before.

Uniqueness.. we are all patterned after the same first man and woman, yet in each man and woman are the genetic seeds to be entirely individual and separate from everyone else. Each one of us is so different from the other. And so much alike. So alive, so vibrant, so full of passion.

So full of thinking!


Blogger Skyephire said...

When screed dreamers meet need-deeders
Bind out dow yore gorganistation dan snefalit prom Sintels madnancevents in beckstology.

Technology is as good as the programmers.

9:26 PM  

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